
This blog is developed by the testing team of the Alarcos Research Group (Institute of Technologies and Information Systems, Instituto de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain). In the testing team, we mainly work on the automation of the software testing process. We deal with:

-Mutation testing.

-Model-based testing.

-Testing in Software Product Lines.

-Testing of Information Systems.

-Combinatorial testing.

Friday, March 9, 2012

MATE: Methodology for Automated model-driven TEsting

Some days ago, we have a published an article in the Testing Experience magazine explaining MATE.
Besides a typical uruguayan and argentine beverage, MATE is also complete methodology for automated model-driven testing that works both in traditional software development as in software product lines contexts.
MATE is completely based on OMG standards: UML, QVT, MOFM2T, UML Testing Profile... and has also capabilities for generating code.
The article can be downloaded for free from this link of the this link of the magazine web page.

1 comment:

  1. in order to include who should be included, the mate is drank in:
    - Uruguay
    - Argentina
    - Brazil
    - Paraguay
    - Chile
    - Bolivia

    congratulations to the new doctor :)
