In the last weeks, the Testing team has got some successes disseminating its work:
- Pérez Lamancha B., Polo M., Caivano D., Piattini M. and Visaggio G. (2012). Automated generation of Test Oracles using a model-driven approach. Information and Software Technology. Accepted and in press. Available at:
- Reales P., Polo M. and Offutt J. (2012). Mutation at the multi-class and system levels. Science of Computer Programming. Accepted and in Press. Available at:
- Reales P., Polo M. and Fernández JL. (2012). Validating 2nd-order mutation at system level. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Accepted and in Press. Available at:
- Reales P. and Polo M. (2012). Parallel mutation testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. Accepted and in press. Available at:
Moreover, we have published a text book (in Spanish) where we present the main concepts of combinatorial and mutation testing: Técnicas combinatorias y de mutación para testing de sistemas software, ed. Ra-Ma, Madrid, Spain, 2012: